Patient safety is always at the top of our priority list. Your rights are very important to us. To give the patient the best care possible, we have developed a patient safety policy. Every cosmetic surgery necessitates a collaborative effort from all the staff members involved. We can gladly state that our staff members are responsible and make every effort to minimize dangers and problems. In truth, achieving the greatest outcomes also heavily depends on the surgeon's expertise and the patient's care.

Form of consent

Prior to a procedure, a patient must sign a paper attesting to his or her understanding of the risks and benefits of the surgery.
The following are included in Novelty Clinic's patient policy: Rights and Responsibilities:

You have rights as a patient, which we must uphold. Before receiving any therapy, you must sign our permission form, which outlines all of your rights and advantages. You will be required to provide a written statement outlining your choice of therapy. If you are unsure about the therapy, we can help you choose the best option.

Information about Medical Condition

To look for any problems that might affect the patient, we will do blood tests and other relevant examinations. His medical record will be updated with the test findings.

Health-related images:

It is immoral and dangerous to use patients' photos without their express authorization. In our facility, pictures will be taken throughout the process and added to your medical file. Do not fear; they will only be posted on our website with your permission.

Refusing medical care:

We can advise or assist you in selecting the best course of therapy, but the final choice will be yours. Every patient has the right to decline the suggested course of treatment from the surgeon. Additionally, please let us know right once if any prescription or substance is causing you discomfort throughout the process.

Health records:

The medical record contains all the tiniest information on the surgery and the patient. Clinical findings, patient history, test results, pre- and postoperative treatment, patient progress, and prescription information are all included in medical records. A good record benefits the patient as much as the doctor. We guarantee that your records won't be disclosed to a third party and that they'll be deleted after a certain amount of time.

Other obligations and rights include:

• Every cosmetic surgery facility must maintain the privacy of its patients' information.
• Because we are aware that the practitioner's experience directly affects the outcomes of the therapy, the patient has the right to inquire about the doctor's training and experience.
• Every patient has a right to respectful treatment. Our clinic's staff members do their utmost to uphold the patients' respect.
• The patient and his family shouldn't be subjected to unneeded limitations by the clinic.
• The clinic will set up a consultation appointment if you are unsure about the best course of action.
• When to be hospitalized or dismissed is unquestionably a decision made by the patient.
• Even so, we can advise you on all the dangers and difficulties that might arise from your choice.
• Every surgeon has a duty to explain the cost of the procedure to the patient. Typically, at the initial appointment, all of these issues are resolved.

We did our best to provide you with all the information you require. Contact us whenever you want to learn more.